handbag pronunciation" /[hand-bag] –noun1.a bag or box of leather, fabric, plastic, or the like, held in the hand or carried by means of a handle or strap, commonly used by women for holding money, toilet articles, small purchases, etc.
I can't believe that in all my time blogging - I've never really highlighted my real obsession. The handbag.
I know that women love shoes and jewellery and clothes. However the carry-all handbag is the ultimate statement piece. As much as I love shoes, I've finally relented, and admit yes - that most people don't notice shoes. Clothes and handbags - yes. I've got so many handbags it's a crime. I've got a few favourite brands - but not obvious brands like Louis Vuitton, Prada, Versace, Coach. I like the brands that have unique craftmanship like Jamin Puech, Bottega Veneta and some of the indie brands in the US.
My friend is bringing me back a handbag from Anthropologie (a truly unique emporium of lots of goodies) in the US which is not expensive but it's beautiful.
Calling for Rain handbag - Anthropologie |
Another two bags from Anthropologie I love are these, but I can't be too greedy!
Petal Pouf Bag - Anthropologie |
Million Elephants Bag - Anthropologie |
Two of the Jamin Puech handbag styles I have...the french couple who began this company are so innovative. They now have stores all over the world.
This green bobble bag I bought in NY |
Saddle bag - I've got this in lime green |
My friend Hanh also has the same bag above in silver (I was a little jealous that day because I got the green one and she got the slinky silver...what can a girl do?
When I was in New York I took my friends Liz and Harriet to the Jamin Puech store in Soho. Both of them said "we're not buying anything". They were having an end of season half price sale - they were pulled into the heady smell of leather and boho chic. They were like greedy step sisters fighting over the same style of bag. They both chose the 'Kim' bag - Liz got the tan and Harriet got the grey. Both were lovely bags - and now they're both JP devotees!
Kim Bag - Jamin Puech |